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The Secret to Making it Through the Day With Strength, Purpose, & Wisdom

Teaching can be tough. So can being a mother. Frankly, anything worth doing is going to bring plenty of challenges. It’s just how it is.

But if you’re a Christian, you have a Friend who is there to help you through those challenges. And when I say help that is a gross understatement. Our Friend can give us wisdom when we have no idea what to do, can give us strength when we feel like we can’t go on, peace when we feel like we’re drowning in chaos, and patience when we feel like we’re about to lose it.

The secret to making it through the day with strength, wisdom, & purpose

This Friend loves us and wants to help us, to speak to us, to spend time with us. But what do we do?

We say we’re too busy.

It’s been more a routine than a relationship.

Now before you think I’m preaching at you, let me say that this is something I’ve been struggling with lately myself. Now it’s not like I’ve abandoned my quiet time completely. Most days I read a few verses and spend a few hurried minutes in prayer, but I’ve not really been connecting. It’s been more a routine than a relationship.

Why Do We Think Busyness Is a Good Excuse?

You see, I’ve been busy. I just had a baby. I have a toddler, too. And a blog to write and a house to clean and……Well, just like anyone, my list could go on and on. There is so much to do and so little time. So I’ll just squeeze my devotions in when I get 2 free minutes.

But I’ve got it all backwards.

When I’m busy, I need Him more.

When I’m tired, I need Him more.

When I’m overwhelmed, I need Him more.

So it’s time to stop pushing Him on the back burner and start making my relationship with Him a priority again.

It’s not necessarily going to be easy, but it’s absolutely going to be worth it.

How Is This Going to Happen?

Wanting to spend more time with God is, of course, a wonderful goal. But I’ve found that if I don’t plan something specific, nothing much changes. So I’m trying to make a few changes.

First, I’m getting back to journaling. I’ve found in the past that it’s really helpful for me toย  just get out a notebook and pen and writing down something – anything – as I read the Word. And I’m committing to read and journal the first quiet moments I get during the day.

Secondly, I’m trying to create more quiet moments to think and pray. And that means I’m trying to put down my phone a lot more. Instead of feeling like I have to fill every spare moment with noise (TV, smart phone, internet, podcasts, whatever…..) I’m going to try to just let it be quiet sometimes. To have time to listen and to think.

I’m putting down my phone a lot more.

And third, I’m putting sermons and other great Christian podcasts into my schedule. (Anyone have any great ones to recommend? I’d love to hear about them!)

What About You?

So what about you? Have you been taking full advantage of the strength, wisdom, peace, joy, and contentment you can find in Jesus? Are you making your relationship with Him a priority?

Or are you too busy?

Too busy for the one thing that matters most.

Do you struggle to make devotions a priority? What helps you keep your relationship with God at the forefront? Share your journey with a comment below.

If you feel you need some fresh ideas to enliven your devotional time, check out my post 12 Creative Ways to Have Devotions.

Creative ways to have devotions,

And if you don’t have a relationship with God but are intrigued by the idea, find out more by sending me an email or visiting godlife.com.

What to Read Next
  • I am struggling with busyness as well. Trying to keep my focus on the author and finisher of my faith some days is really hard.

  • I worked part-time for most of my teaching career- this enabled me to teach well, yet have time to parent my kids and devote myself to God. I am now teaching full-time, and I am not keeping my priorities straight as far as putting God first. There just isn’t enough hours in the day, and I realize that occasional devotions and hurried prayers do not get me to that close relationship with God. I know I cannot do life without Him, but I cannot seem to get myself beyond this pattern I’m in.

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    • So many challenges for sure! One thing I’ve been learning to do lately is to ask God questions when I pray and then be still and listen. How He responds is different but He often brings thoughts to mind. I think too often we assume an answer to our prayers is an event or a change in our circumstance, but maybe God wants to have a conversation with us, to teach us something in the midst of the challenge….. To answer with His voice before He changes our circumstances

  • I feel the same way too, more of a routine than a relationship, and I want to change that! Today is a day to begin that.

  • I follow Joe McGee ministries and he posts vimeo videos daily with topics ranging from parenting to teaching. As a father of 6 and a former school administrator, I listen more carefully to his podcasts because I think he speaks with authority and experience.

  • Thank you for sharing your heart and reminding me I’m not the only mom in the world who has hard times. I wanted to share with you two wonderful speakers that touch my soul and help me through my journey with Jesus Christ our Lord! You can find them on YouTube. First one is Pastor Rick Warren and speaker Priscilla Shire (main actress in War Room)

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