As teachers, we can so easily be overwhelmed by anxiety and stress. Join us as Crystal Kershaw shares Scriptural principles and practical strategies to help us overcome anxiety and teach with a sense of God's presence and peace.
listen here:
We encourage you to listen to the whole episode above. Here's how the episode breaks down:
- Anxiety is a normal part of life experience in the world we live in. (3:40)
- Learning to deal with our anxiety is learning to be dependent on Christ.
- Turn to Christ
- Pray through the situation
- Go do what you can (4:20)
- Try to understand exactly what you're feeling because it manifests in different ways for different people.
- What's going on in my body?
- What's going on in my mind?
- What's going on with my emotions? (5:25)
- It's helpful to pray, "God, please show me the next step." Anxiety tries to trap us. (8:08)
- Two lessons we can learn from the Israelites wandering the desert:
- God is with us.
- God is trustworthy. (12:03)
- Practical applications:
- Place altar stones in your classroom to remind yourself how God has been faithful.
- Visualize yourself in your classroom the way that you want it to be. (13:43)
- Lessons we can learn from Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane:
- Access your community (He asked the disciples to pray).
- Put into words what you're facing.
- Surrender to God. (16:45)
- Identify if your anxiety has a sin root and if so, confess. (22:04)
- An emotion wheel is a great thing to have in your classroom to help identify more specific emotions. (23:05)
- Some other helpful techniques:
- Be transparent with others
- Box breathing
- Breathing with a prayer
- Visualize the most calming image of Jesus you have (25:50)
resources mentioned:
find more hope
This content comes from the 2021 Rise Up Summit. For more like this, you can catch the Rise Up Summit vision and see dates for the next Summit by visiting the Rise UP site. This free online weekend event hosts sessions designed to bring you real teaching solutions, Biblical encouragement and connection with fellow educators.

This is a free event but you must be registered to attend. Sign up today!
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