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5 Common Mistakes that Will Cause Your Classroom to be Out-of-Control

My first year teaching was not very pretty. I thought I knew how to manage a class, but I made some critical errors that left me in the situation every teacher dreads – standing in front of an out-of-control classroom.

While I certainly don’t want to go back and repeat that first year, I’m very thankful for the lessons I learned. And once I learned from my mistakes and corrected them, the next year went much more smoothly.

common classroom management mistakes that will lead to an out-of-control classroomEffective classroom management can be challenging, and apparently I’m not the only one who’s made some mistakes because when I shared 5 common mistakes in a guest blog post on Corkboard Connections a few weeks ago, the post went viral.

The key for all of us is to keep learning and growing. So I wanted to share the post with you Teach 4 the Heart readers so that you can avoid the same mistakes I did.

Click here to read the post!

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