Your 6-week path to banish stress
and teach with the joy of the Lord.
teaching is tough. you probably feel...

- > Overwhelmed with the sheer volume of work & responsibilities
- > Stressed about problems you don't know how to solve
- > Frustrated with students, admins, or colleagues that make teaching more difficult
- > Worried you're close to burn out and might have to stop teaching
You want to feel positive - to be positive. But instead, you too often find yourself stressed and irritable.
You love God, and you love your students. But sometimes the challenges are so oppressively overwhelming that you want to hide away in your closet and binge dark chocolate rather than face your first period class.
You're holding onto the hope that things will get better, but in the back of your mind you're wondering but what if they don't!?
Are you ready for a truth bomb?
We cannot afford to wait for our circumstance to change. Instead, we must learn to trust God in our challenges and experience His joy, peace, and rest despite them.
3 steps to banish stress & teach with joy
Sometimes trusting God is easier said than done. So how exactly do we make that happen?
In Teach Uplifted, we'll learn to trust in God and rest in His goodness with these three steps:

what the Bible says about God’s incredible work in your life so that you can stop stressing and start resting in His promises.

on God’s goodness, sovereignty, and grace so that these truths sink down into your heart & change the way you think & respond.

in Christ so that His joy & grace shine through you each day in the classroom.
We know you're busy! You can complete the bulk of Teach Uplifted during your normal devotional time.
join us in Teach Uplifted
Your six-week path to banish stress and teach with joy - even in this crazy school year!
join over 3,500 teachers who've transformed their relationship with god and found peace through trials
Take Diane, for example, a 1st grade teacher who joined Teach Uplifted during her 5th week of virtual teaching under COVID. Here's what she says:
"I was finding that I was increasingly sad and overwhelmed by what I was trying to accomplish. I knew I needed this course - especially at this time.
I have been able to consciously say "Your will be done" at times when I really wanted to complain or even cry because everything has just felt difficult.
By remembering that God IS in control, that there is NOTHING that is going on that is a surprise to Him, and that if I can say "your will be done," it truly lightens the load and helps my focus be where it needs to be.
Just like Peter in the storm ... when he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the storm, he started to sink. This has helped me keep my eyes on Jesus and has kept me walking. Thank you!"
"I've learned to wholeheartedly trust in the Lord, and to understand that struggles in teaching can be overcome if we approach them with a God-filled heart instead of a self-serving heart."
- Lynn, kindergarten teacher
Through Teach Uplifted, you will...
You'll discover how to truly trust God in difficult circumstances - and the great peace that comes from allowing Him to carry your burdens instead of trying to figure out everything yourself.
You'll learn simple ways to renew your energy and stay inspired, even in the midst of chaos.
You'll connect with fellow Christian teachers in a community that exists to encourage & uplift one another.
When you're teaching uplifted, full of God's joy, peace, and rest, you will be more effective than ever and a shining testimony to your students and everyone around you.
how does it work?
Teach Uplifted has two main components: the daily devotional study and weekly audio lessons.

Teach Uplifted Daily Devotions
Experience a life-changing journey with the Teach Uplifted Devotions, which are based on a classic work by Hannah Whitall Smith.
As you read and journal each day, you'll discover how to trust God and experience His joy and peace in every aspect of your life.

Weekly Audio Lessons
The rubber meets the road in our weekly audio lessons, which explore the more practical aspects of how to stop stressing and choose joy each day in your classroom.
Only around 30 minutes long, each week's lessons are delivered in audio format so that you can listen pretty much anytime, anywhere.

A More Joyful You!
As you learn to trust Christ and apply His truths to your daily challenges, your heart will find rest in Him, and His joy will start shining through you!

your 6-week path to banish stress & teach with joy
Each week, the audio lessons will help you make a new transformation:
Week 1: Abide in Christ
Learn the secrets to a deeper relationship with Christ. (Spoiler: It's not about YOU doing more. It's about letting HIM work in you.)
Week 2: Re-Energize
Make intentional choices to guard your energy, focus on the positives, and choose uplifting company.
Week 3: Renew Your Mind
Choose to banish wrong thinking & renew your mind with God's transforming truths.
Week 4: Trust God for It All
Find impenetrable peace by choosing to trust God for situations that are both in and out of your control.
Week 5: Choose to Give Grace
Discover the joy of giving grace to those who used to discourage us the most.
Week 6: Guard What Matters
Get clear on what matters most to you and set up boundaries to protect your time & energy.
What teachers are Saying...
About the Author
Hi! I’m Linda Kardamis, former teacher and founder of Teach 4 the Heart. I know firsthand how hard teaching can be. You know that bit about hiding from your first period class? Yeah, I didn’t make that up. That was totally me! (minus the chocolate, unfortunately)
But then I found A Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life, and my outlook changed completely. I stopped viewing challenges as hardships and started accepting them as God’s perfect will for me that day. The peace and joy that resulted were such a stark contrast to the stress and annoyance beforehand. And now, when the frustrations return, I know where to run for help.

I knew I couldn’t keep these lessons to myself, so I assembled them into the Teach Uplifted Devotions and created the full program around it. Since then, they’ve helped hundreds of teachers learn to trust God and teach with His joy, even in the midst of struggles. And I pray Teach Uplifted will do the same for you, too.
Don't Worry. You'll Have Everything You Need!

The weekly lessons are delivered in audio format so that you can listen pretty much anytime, anywhere.

You can follow our six-week schedule or complete Teach Uplifted at your own pace. The group is always there so we can encourage & support each other in the journey.

You receive a printable workbook with all the notes & resources you need to teach uplifted.

The daily devotional study & accompanying journal will deepen your understanding and open your heart to the work God desires to do in your life & classroom.

- > Full Teach Uplifted Program
- > Online Devotionals
- > Printable workbook & journal
- > Bonuses

- > Everything in Teach Uplifted
- > Hard-Copy Devotions Book

School License
- > Full Teach Uplifted Program with access to everything listed in the individual course
- > Lifetime access for all current and future teachers
- > License to show any or all course content during PD meetings
- > Optional personal accounts for your teachers so they can access & complete the course at their own pace.
"I am calmer; I have not been as quick to anger;
I am not constantly worried about what-ifs."
- Denise, Teach Uplifted grad
In addition to the main program, you'll also receive these amazing bonuses!

Printable Devotional Journal
Print your devotional journal & workbook to keep your thoughts and reflections organized throughout your Teach Uplifted journey.
$10 value

Prayer Cards
Focus your prayers with these beautifully designed prayer cards, which feature a prayer prompt on the front and an encouraging Scripture on the back.
$5 value

Encouraging Songs Playlist
Listen to our curated Spotify & YouTube playlists of uplifting music that will reinforce the truths you are learning & encourage your heart in the Lord.
$10 value

Leader's Guide
Grab a few friends and lead your own Teach Uplifted discussion group. The leader's guide makes it super easy and has everything you need.
$10 value
don't worry!
It won't take too much time.
We know you're busy, so we've designed Teach Uplifted to be easy to complete. Here's how it works:
Plan to use the daily devotionals as your regular devotions time. If you try to add them on to what you're already doing, it may be too much. But if you use them as your daily devotions, you'll find deep refreshment in God & His truths, without feeling overwhelmed.
Then, listen to the weekly audio lessons whenever you'd like during the week. They're only around 30 minutes each week (give or take), and since they're audio, they're easy to complete while cooking, cleaning, walking, etc.
You'll also want to plan about an hour to go through the introductory material & get everything set before the program starts.
Is Teach Uplifted Right for You?
Teach Uplifted is for you IF...
- > You're a Christian educator in a public or private school
- > You want to stay positive but struggle with all the challenges overwhelming you
- > You're stressed out and worried about challenges you're facing, decisions you need to make, or the unknowns of the future
- > You feel your well is dry and need to be renewed, uplifted, and inspired to teach in His strength
- > You desire to deepen your relationship with Christ but may be struggling to make it happen
Teach Uplifted is NOT for you if...
- x You're not a Christian (We would be thrilled to have you join us & this program just might change your life. But please realize that most of this program will only help you if you choose to become a Christian as a result)
- x You enjoy sharing your misery with everyone around you
- x You want to complain but don't want to make any changes

Teach Uplifted or Your Money Back
I don't want anyone to worry about investing in this program. If for any reason you're unhappy with the results you get from Teach Uplifted, just let me know within 30 days and I'll issue you a full refund.

"Teach Uplifted helped me to get my thoughts out of a negative spin, and turn them to God. It has deepened my faith and is growing me in school and at home to be an uplifted wife, mom, and teacher.
Now, I pray more than complain. I stop my whining and look at struggles as chariots."
- Laura S, third grade teacher

- > Full Teach Uplifted Program
- > Online Devotionals
- > Printable workbook & journal
- > Bonuses

- > Everything in Teach Uplifted
- +
- > Hard-Copy Devotions Book
Teach Uplifted Devotions Book
All of the devotions are available in digital form within Teach Uplifted.
But if you love to hold a book in your hands, you can read and journal directly within the Teach Uplifted hard-copy Devotions Book.

Space to Journal
No need to lug around a separate notebook. We've provided space to journal after each day's reading.

Pray & Praise
Record what you're thankful for & pray for each day in the space provided.

A Highlighter's Heaven
You simply cannot read this book without a highlighter handy. You'll find truth after truth that you won't want to forget.
We hope you can join us in the full Teach Uplifted program, but if you only want the devotions book, you can get your copy by clicking the button above.

What People are Saying...
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
When does the program start & end?
How long do I have access to the program?
How much time will this take?
Can I lead my own discussion group?
Do you offer group discounts?
Can I receive PD credit for this course?
Why is this program only for Christian teachers?
Do I need to purchase anything for the devotional study?
What if I can't afford Teach Uplifted?
Other questions?
Start your 6-week journey to banish stress & teach with joy!