Take Heart and Teach - Teach 4 the Heart
Take Heart & Teach

How to teach with excellence, balance,
and the joy of the Lord
(even when things are crazy)

Are you weighed down by the challenges you face each day in your classroom?

Take heart, and join us to discover how to...

  • > Manage your classroom and create a conducive learning environment
  • > Find balance, wisely investing your time and energy
  • > Teach with His peace and joy, even when things are going wrong
  • > Make a bigger difference and shine His light in your classroom

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
– Galatians 6:9

it's time to thrive!

Do you love teaching but hate all the struggles that come with it?

Could you use some encouragement, new ideas, and a fresh perspective?

Join us as we take heart, renew our minds, and discover how to truly thrive in this adventure we call teaching. 

In Take Heart & Teach, you'll learn how to:

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Good classroom management is essential to good teaching. Without it, little learning can take place.

Learn how to create a conducive learning environment – a place where you can teach and your students can learn.


Teaching is an incredible calling, but if you let it, it will take over your entire life and head you straight towards burnout.

Learn to wisely invest your time and energy so you not only teach with excellence but also flourish in the other roles God has given you.


The challenges of teaching can leave us frustrated and stressed. But take heart; this isn’t the way God intended us to live.

God wants us to teach with joy, peace, and (yes it’s possible) rest, even when things are going wrong. 


How do we teach the way God wants us to teach? How do we love our students in a way that shows Christ?

Don’t look at the challenges, the restrictions, the indifference. Take heart and look to Christ, determining to follow His leading.

Is Take Heart & Teach Right for You?

This book is for you IF...
  • > You want to create a positive learning environment for your students.
  • > You want to show God's love to your students and rediscover the joy of serving Him
  • > You're ready to reclaim your time and be effective both at school and at home with your family
Take Heart & Teach Mockups


This is more than just something to read.
You'll also...


Each lesson contains a thought-provoking journal prompt to apply what you've learned to your own life & classroom.

Share Ideas

Join fellow teachers in the accompanying book club to share ideas and gain wider insight and perspective.

Enjoy Bonus Resources

Download a variety of bonus resources including our To Do List System, prayer cards, discipline essays, and more.

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(printable prayer cards included with your purchase of Take Heart & Teach)

What People are Saying...

I am enjoying this book ?!!! Each part is well organized, easy to understand, so encouraging, and redirecting the focus to God.

Walkiria R.

This book is a life-changer for any teacher who wants to serve God in the classroom. The book is meant to parallel the online book club with the same title. Answering the online questions, and taking one’s time with each chapter truly enhances the book’s powerful message. I hope to go through the book and course once again soon.

Rick B.

This book reaffirms that it is ok to be a Christian teacher in the public schools. It gives some good suggestions on organization and finding a balance in life between teaching and personal. I have already recommended this book to some of my teaching buddies!

Stacey A.

I loved reading this book!!!! I recommend it to any teacher that is looking to learn, refresh, or add different techniques inside the classroom. The book is divided by parts and lessons. Each of those are filled with helpful ideas and spiritual encouragement. I am a K4 Teacher and regularly looking for resources that not only will help inside the classroom but spiritually too. This is an amazing resource that is worth having and that I will keep by my side.

K4 Teacher

I enjoyed this book immensely. The chapters were short, yet concise. Allowing me to read whenever I had a few minutes instead of a few hours. Besides all the helpful advice in the book, I really feel that it is almost a devotional. It certainly gave me lots of things to think about and reflect on, in order to be my best me.

Sarah A.

This book and this whole ministry is an answer to prayer. May God continue to inspire you to inspire others

Theodecia S.

God wants you to live abundantly and enjoy your work. Teaching is a job, but it is also a calling. Kardamis writes in very practical terms on how to excel in your efforts at being an excellent teacher. Great advice and practical Christian perspective. I would recommend this book to any Christian teacher whether you teach in private or public school. It was very readable and helpful.

Sharon U.

I enjoyed reading this book. I have read several books written by Linda Kardamis and I really enjoy her recommendations, processes, and positive encouragement for teachers. It’s a wonderful resource to add to my collection.


I’m a thirty-plus-years veteran of the classroom, but I found this book full of great ideas, spiritual challenges, and encouragement. Teachers and administrators of all experience levels would benefit from reading it. The chapters are short but carry a hefty punch! I appreciated the opportunity to journal or to meditate on the main point of each section. The addition of resources and links to other materials at the end of many sections was very helpful. The book is truly a teachers convention in itself!

Diana P.

Take Heart and Teach truly restored my joy for teaching and I’ve been at this for 30 plus years! I strongly urge ALL teachers to take time to read this book. The format is a quick read with short chapters, but each chapter is packed with vital Information to draw you closer to the Lord and enhance your teaching ministry.

LuAnn H.
Veteran Teacher

About the Author

Linda Kardamis

Hi, I'm Linda Kardamis. I always wanted to be teacher, but a few months in, I realized teaching was a whole lot harder than I thought it would be. Too many of my students just weren’t listening to me; many were outright belligerent. My confidence plummeted, and as much as I hated to admit it, I wasn’t enjoying teaching. Instead, I felt like a failure in my own classroom.

But God wasn’t done with me. Through sound advice, a bit of trial and error, and much prayer, I gradually learned to keep my students’ attention, and I started to believe I could actually do this.

As I stopped living in fear of the next problem, I began to look forward to teaching. And while I loved those ah-ha moments when my students finally got how to solve equations, the truest joy came from watching God change lives through me.

No matter what challenges you’re facing, take heart. God wants to use you in your classroom. You’re in the right place. Let’s dive in.

Take Heart & Teach

Learn to teach with excellence, balance, and the joy of the Lord - even when things are crazy.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
– Galatians 6:9

Get the Leader's Guide

Take your growth to the next level by reading & discussing Take Heart & Teach together with friends & fellow teachers.

The Leader's Guide makes it easy. Simply gather your friends, set your schedule, and use the recommended questions to kick-start your discussions.

Take Heart & Teach discussion group leader's guide


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Do you offer group discounts?

Will there be a book club?

Can I lead my own discussion group?

What formats is the book available in?

Is this different than Teach Uplifted?

Other Questions?
