You're not alone!
Teaching is the most wonderful calling, but it sure can be tough sometimes, can't it?
You want to be positive, encouraged, motivated, and passionate. But as the year wears on, it gets harder and harder to stay energized. Classroom issues zap your energy, paperwork engulfs you, and soon you're frustrated & overwhelmed.
You want to feel close to God, to know that you're accomplishing His mission for your classroom. But some days it's just hard. And confusing.
But here's the incredible truth:
When God calls us to teach, He promises the strength to do it well. We just need to keep growing, learning, and depending on Him.
And that's what Teach 4 the Heart is all about.
If you're looking for a fresh perspective, practical advice, and a bit of encouragement, you're in the right place.
"I really think your blog and podcasts are amazing. They have given me some helpful advice as to how to fix certain problems in my classroom, as well as how not to stress over the little things. You are making a difference in the lives of so many teachers and I appreciate what you do." - Jennifer
"Thank you so very much for your insight, courage, and creative ideas for managing life in the classroom." - Alicia
"As a Christian educator, your posts, pins, book, & resources are a God-send... literally. It is awesome to have a knowledgeable professional bringing practical, insightful tips & info from a Christian perspective! Every teacher at our school has your book."
Imagine teaching with the same excitement, creativity, and enthusiasm at the end of the year as you do at the beginning.
Imagine walking into your classroom with confidence, knowing you can handle any challenges that arise.
Imagine the joy of being a bright light in a dark world, impacting hearts as well as challenging minds.
When you join the Teach 4 the Heart community, you’ll receive practical advice and Biblical encouragement to help you be the amazing teacher God has called you to be.
Join over 21,350 Christian teachers who are growing in confidence, renewing their perspective, and making a lasting impact in their students' lives.
(There's absolutely no cost to you.)
What Happens Next:
Very shortly you’ll get an email from me that will ask you what your biggest challenge is. Based on your needs, I'll send you follow-up emails with encouragement, tips, helpful articles, and resources to help you rise above & overcome your challenges.
I’ll be your personal coach via email – encouraging you, giving advice, and providing practical ideas and strategies so that you gain the confidence & perspective you need to not only inspire your students but also make a real difference in their lives.
I'm looking forward to growing & learning together.
See you on the inside.
Linda Kardamis

"Teach 4 the Heart has literally saved me. This is my first year teaching middle school and I was unprepared for all the drama. I know that I can come to your site and find answers or ask you directly. Thank you ever so much."
"Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with the teaching community. It has made a huge difference in my first day of school already. My principal dropped in during my first block and gave me positive feedback on practicing procedures until they become rituals and routines." - Caroline
"It just seems that whatever your topic is for the day, it is exactly what I need!"
Join Teach 4 the Heart
Join over 21,350 Christian teachers who are growing in confidence, renewing their perspective, and making a lasting impact in their students' lives.
There's no cost to you!