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more teachers!

Your support makes ALL the difference ❤️
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The past few years have been difficult for everyone, but especially for teachers. Things that before were manageable are now downright overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be that way!
Join us on mission to encourage and inspire teachers working for God's glory in their local schools.
You can help by praying for us, telling a friend about Teach 4 the Heart, or giving financially (details below).
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Teachers need these resources.
Your giving helps us connect teachers with the ideas & inspiration they need so they can thrive in their educational mission field!






* Please note that Teach 4 the Heart in NOT a 501c3 organization. As such, donations will help Teach 4 the Heart expand its reach through development of free content and trainings but are NOT tax-deductible. Thank you in advance for your gift of any amount!
"There is just something different about hearing encouragement, challenges, and refreshment from people who have been in and understand the education field AND are Christians."
Hi! I’m Linda Kardamis, former teacher and founder of Teach 4 the Heart. I know firsthand how overwhelming teaching can be - and how paralyzing it can feel to have so much you want to do and feel unprepared to do it all.
God guided me with His wisdom as I worked out my kinks in the classroom and that made all the difference. That's why I've made it my mission to support as many teachers as possible. Teachers truly are Christ's ambassadors, and I'm passionate about sharing His Word, practical strategies & encouragement so they can keep going without burning out! Join me!

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions: