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Teach without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Faith & Wisdom

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, anxious, or unqualified as a teacher? You are not alone. 

Join us on this podcast series as we explore common fears that teachers face and share scriptural truths and practical steps to help you banish your anxieties and approach this year with confidence and faith.

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

#1: Does Discontentment Mean I'm in the Wrong Place?

As the summer slips through our fingers, have you had moments of anxiety creep up about next year? Okay, let's be honest. Some of us have been filled with absolute dread. Does that dread and your unhappiness mean that you are not where God wants you to be?

Today's episode is the first part of a brand-new series dealing with fear. And let's face it, the thought of not being where God wants us can be terrifying.

No matter how you are feeling this summer, if you listen to this podcast, you will learn strategies to deduce whether your struggles are a sign to go or a way to grow in your faith.

When we are facing hard times, it can be tempting to think, "I need to get out of here." But, the Bible speaks of hard times as times that refine and grow us as well. 

Romans 5:3-5 says, "Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

For more, listen to the full episode here


Pray & Plan


Our Pray & Plan is a great way to keep focused on scripture in the midst of anxieties around teaching. We can help you organize your spiritual, home, and classroom life with our planner created for Christian educators. Pray & Plan integrates practical planning with your spiritual walk to help you teach each day in partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Check it out now here

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

#2: How to Stop Fearing Classroom Behavior Issues

Have your back-to-school nightmares started yet? I can vividly remember dreams about my students literally climbing up the walls while my administrator observes. Ahhhhh!

Classroom management is one of the most stressful issues for teachers! It can feel so out of your control, but you have more influence than you realize (both on HOW your class behaves AND your fears around it).

On this week's podcast episode, we tackle fears about student misbehavior both from a Biblical and a practical perspective. You will find out why a classroom management plan will help you stop being scared of student behavior, be encouraged to create your own plan, and learn to face these fears head-on, knowing you aren't alone! Listen now here. 


In Classroom Management 101, you'll implement a classroom management plan that works so you can stop being frustrated by student misbehavior & actually enjoy teaching again!

Sign up for CM 101 today!

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

#3: Navigating Parent-Teacher Communication

Be honest...like many teachers, you're more afraid of communicating with ONE parent than you are teaching THIRTY students, aren't you? 😉

This week’s podcast (all about how to overcome the fear of interacting with parents) is just what you need! Using the fear framework, I’ll be diving into five super practical ways to move past the intimidation factor when it comes to parent communication.

Listen now to get prepared to meet families this fall!

God wants us to seek to please Him - not be afraid of people and what they think.


Prayer Challenge


The challenge is simple. We're committing to pray every day - for as little or as long as you'd like. 

Each day,  we will ask God to work in our students' lives, in our lives, and in our classrooms (no matter what form them take).

We will pray for strength, wisdom, and endurance.  We will pour out our hearts to God and find in Him a strong refuge.

The challenge starts Sunday. Click to join us.

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

#4: Am I Even Making a Difference?

As a teacher you pour so much of your heart and life into your students, but sometimes it just feels like all your effort isn't making a difference.

That can be incredibly demoralizing, but in this episode you'll learn how to develop a different perspective that can free you from these fears.

Listen now to learn how to let go of persistent concerns about the impact you do or don't have in your students' lives - a mindset shift that will bring you so much peace!

Join us at the Rise Up Summit

Join us to discover anew the hope that is found in Christ as well as practical solutions to navigate specific challenges that occur when teaching in a confused world with our free online teaching conference! Whether you're in a public or Christian school, you will be encouraged to rise up and shine a light in your classroom. 

Register for free here.

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

#5: Winning the Battle Against Student Apathy

Are you one of the many teachers who have noticed less motivation and more apathy in students since the pandemic? Are you worried about this trend continuing into the next school year?

You're not alone and we can help! In this week's podcast, Linda interviews author Dave Stuart Jr., who shares the 5 key beliefs students need to cultivate in order to care about their learning and persist when it gets challenging. 

He also shares ideas for helping students who need to build these beliefs! By implementing these strategies, you will lower your anxiety for next school year and understand the framework behind student motivation.

Join us at the Rise Up Summit

Join us to discover anew the hope that is found in Christ as well as practical solutions to navigate specific challenges that occur when teaching in a confused world with our free online teaching conference! Whether you're in a public or Christian school, you will be encouraged to rise up and shine a light in your classroom. 

Register for free here.

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

#6: Can I Be a Teacher AND Have a Life?

Do you find that your heavy workload as a teacher is keeping you from enjoying other parts of your life? Are you so busy and exhausted that you worry you will burn out sooner rather than later?

In this episode, we will learn to combat the many fears that may be keeping us too busy and too overscheduled. We will also take a good look at how to allow God to direct our steps so we can find peace in our planning, prioritizing, delegating, and maybe even deleting (gasp!) some of our tasks from our overflowing to-do lists.

Find freedom
from the insanity that plagues so many of us by learning to create space to enjoy both your career and your life. Listen now!

God models for us a balance of hard work AND rest. That model of rest can free us from working when we would otherwise be exhausted, stressed, and desperate for a break.


Full course: Reclaim Your Time 101

FREE Training: 5 Time-Saving Practices to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Podcast Series: Balance

Join Reclaim Your Time 101

Designed for teachers, Reclaim Your Time 101 is your step-by-step plan to reduce stress & establish balance. In this program, you will cut 3-10 hours off your workweek without sacrificing your effectiveness so you can stop feeling stressed and preserve time and energy for your family and personal life.

PLUS - We know your plate is already full, so we've designed this course to be fast & flexible - and to work with your schedule.

Learn More about Reclaim Your Time 101

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

#7: Standing Strong Amidst the Fear of Cancel Culture

In an increasingly "cancel culture," it can feel scary to disagree with whatever the approved cultural narrative is at any given time.

This may bring up a lot of fear for you- what if I face a situation where my faith goes against the approved cultural narrative?

One area this is showing up more and more commonly for teachers is with students who are claiming to be transgender.

What used to be a rare instance is now shockingly common - and many of us are facing pressure to affirm students' choices in this area without question - and in some cases to even overtly teach unBiblical viewpoints.

In today's podcast episode, Linda applies the 3 part framework to dealing with these anxieties as a Christian. Listen in to feel less alone in these struggles, reassured that God is in control, and better prepared to face these situations.


Podcast episode: How to Navigate Gender Identity as a Christian Teacher

Podcast episode: How to Navigate Gender Identity as a Christian Teacher (Part 2)

Free online teaching conference: Rise Up Christian Educators Summit

Join us at the Rise Up Summit

Join us for a free online teaching conference for Christian educators! Whether you teach at a private or public school, this long weekend will uplift your heart & equip you to fulfill your mission by the power of God's grace. 

Register for free NOW

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

#8: What if Death or Disaster Happens at my School?

Lately, do you find yourself worried about what kind of nightmarish tragedy could happen next at your school? Tragedies in schools are more common now than ever, which makes the fear of them more realistic and prevalent.

In this episode, we will first address that you are not alone as you face these concerns. Then, you can gain strength through the tips & solutions shared in our 3 part-framework for handling fear.

If you need peace, hope, and some practical ways to relinquish control regarding these concerns, you will find it here. Listen now. 

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8

Reminding ourselves of what is TRUE & then choosing to TRUST God is much more helpful than worrying about what could happen.


Free online teaching conference: Rise Up Christian Educators Summit

Join us at the Rise Up Summit

Join us for a free online teaching conference for Christian educators! Whether you teach at a private or public school, this long weekend will uplift your heart & equip you to fulfill your mission by the power of God's grace. 

Register for free NOW

Teach Without Fear: Conquering our Anxieties with Fear and Wisdom

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Do you ever feel overwhelmed, anxious, or unqualified as a Christian teacher? You are not alone.  Join us on this podcast series as we explore common fears that Christian teachers face and share scriptural truths and practical steps to help you banish your anxieties and approach this year with confidence and faith.

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