Teach 4 the Heart + - Teach 4 the Heart


Teacher self-care that goes 

WAY beyond a bubble bath

Receive unlimited access to our four most popular courses PLUS access to mentors, exclusive events, monthly stress-reducing resources, and much more!

teaching is tough. you probably feel...

  • Overwhelmed with the sheer volume of work & responsibilities
  • > Stressed about problems you don't know how to solve
  • > Frustrated with students, admins, or colleagues that make teaching more difficult
  • > Worried you're close to burn out and might have to stop teaching

You want to feel positive - to be positive.  But instead, you too often find yourself stressed and irritable. 

You love God, and you love your students. But sometimes the challenges are so oppressively overwhelming that you want to hide away in your closet and binge dark chocolate rather than face your first period class.

You're holding onto the hope that things will get better, but in the back of your mind you're wondering but what if they don't!?

Are you ready for a truth bomb?

We cannot afford to wait for our circumstance to change. Instead, we must build our skills, learn to trust God in our challenges, and experience His joy, peace, and rest despite them.


and buildING skills that ENABLE you to teach for years to come!

How to Create a Classroom Management Plan that Works


  • STOP struggling with student behaviors that drain the joy out of teaching.
  • SAVE energy for the people and things that matter outside school.
  • RETURN teaching to the its proper place in your world - an important mission field, not an all-consuming career. 


Where your mission is to:

Reduce the stress of teaching by implementing wise strategies & learning to trust our faithful God - so you can joyfully teach and love the students God has given you.

Everything you need to move forward as a teacher is included:

Step-by-Step Courses to Solve Your Biggest Problems

Get unlimited access to T4TH premium courses, which break down solutions into easy-to-implement, bite-sized steps.

  • Classroom Management
  • Student Motivation
  • Time Management & Balance
  • Reducing Stress & Staying Positive
Mentors to Answer Your Questions

Receive personalized help from Teach 4 the Heart mentors via our support inbox, regular group coaching calls, or in our private Facebook group.

Biblical Encouragement via Text

Get encouraging biweekly messages to help you banish anxiety, trust our faithful God, and teach with His strength and joy - no matter what!

New Stress-Reducing Resources

Unlock a new resource from one of our partners each month so you can reduce stress in a specific area at school or in your personal life. 

Exclusive Trainings & Events

Join in members-only trainings and events - or listen to the exclusive replays at your convenience.

"I am so thankful for this course. It has touched every single area of my life to teach me the tools I need to be a better educator."

- Paris B.

Banish stress & teach with joy

Teaching struggles are multi-faceted, so the solutions must be, as well. 

Teach 4 the Heart + gives you step-by-step trainings that solve your biggest teaching challenges.


Build a plan to confidently handle whatever students throw at you using Teach 4 the Heart's premium step-by-step training, instructions & curated resources. 


work/life balance

Cut 5-10 hours off your workweek & unbury yourself from overwhelm in 15 minutes a week through bite-sized trainings & quick, easy-to-implement actions.

Procedures Your Students Will Follow


Create a respectful classroom where students are focused and engaged by 

using our actionable strategies PLUS mentor and peer support to build on what's already working in your classroom. 


Spiritual health

Renew your joy in the Lord & your classroom mission field with weekly Biblical encouragement sent right to your phone PLUS an optional 6-week devotional.

In Teach 4 the Heart + you get the solutions you need 

when you need them 

for every season of teacher life.

"This is fantastic! I am learning more here than I did about classroom management in undergrad and grad school."

- Rebecca

Turn things around in

It's time to find joy in teaching again

Through Teach 4 the Heart +, you will...



You'll discover how to truly trust God in difficult circumstances - and the great peace that comes from allowing Him to carry your burdens instead of trying to figure out everything yourself.



You'll learn simple ways to reduce your workload, establish boundaries, and renew your energy so you can stay inspired, even in the midst of chaos.



You'll connect with fellow Christian teachers in a community that exists to encourage & uplift one another.



When you're teaching from a heart that's full of God's joy, peace, and rest, you will be more effective than ever and a shining testimony to your students and everyone around you.

"I had struggled with my classroom management. I cried about once a week last year and was ready to walk out. My students took advantage of my lack of confidence and consistently acted out in numerous ways.

Now, I have so much more confidence in myself and in my classroom management. I have my students wrapped around my finger and I love teaching again.โ€

- Bridget B.

join over 8,000 teachers who've transformed their classrooms and lives

Take Janette, for example, a middle school history teacher who says:

"Finally, a course for teachers of faith that takes a whole-hearted approach to bringing balance to our calling. Thank you!"

Or Diane, a 1st grade teacher who says:

"I was finding that I was increasingly sad and overwhelmed by what I was trying to accomplish.  

By remembering that God IS in control, that there is NOTHING that is going on that is a surprise to Him, and that if I can say "your will be done,"  it truly lightens the load and helps my focus be where it needs to be.  ... This has helped me keep my eyes on Jesus and has kept me walking. Thank you!"

What will your success story be?

About the CREATOR

Hi! Iโ€™m Linda Kardamis, former teacher and founder of Teach 4 the Heart. I know firsthand how hard teaching can be. You know that bit about hiding from your first period class? Yeah, I didnโ€™t make that up. That was totally me! (minus the chocolate, unfortunately) I know what it's like to feel like a failure in your own classroom - to be lost and confused and have no idea what to do to turn things around.

Praise God, He didn't leave me there. He led me to the solutions and strategies I needed to create a smooth-running classroom, and I'm so thankful He's allowed me to share those strategies with over 28,000 teaches - helping them improve their classroom management and regain their students' respect. I can't wait to help you, too.

Linda Kardamis



Get instant access today for a low monthly price!

paid monthly

  • Premium Course Access: Classroom Management 101, Student Motivation course, Reclaim Your Time 101 & Teach Uplifted  
  • Biblical Encouragement Text Thread sent bi-weekly 
  • Email Support Inbox
  • Regular Group Coaching Calls
  • Facebook Community
  • Mentor Support
  • Monthly Stress-Reducing Resources
  • Exclusive Members-Only Trainings & Events
  • PD Certificates

don't worry!
It won't take too much time.

We know you're busy, so we've designed Teach 4 the Heart + to easily fit into your life.  Here's how it works:

1. Choose the topic where you have the most opportunity for growth.
Your membership gives you access to our premium courses on topics including: classroom management, student motivation, work/life balance and teaching while relying on Christ.

2. Listen to the training videos. 
They're only between 10-30 minutes each (give or take), and they're easy to complete while cooking, cleaning, walking, etc.

3. Consider and implement the action steps. 
No fluff here! Lessons are built with practical, step-by-step direction so you can apply what you're learning right away. You'll see changes in as little as a few weeks!

Plus, we're here for you when you need it. Connect with our mentors in ways that match your availability: via messages sent directly to our Support Inbox, in our members-only Facebook group, and/or during our regular group coaching calls. 

Busy Month??  Take a break from courses and stay refreshed with our weekly Biblical Encouragement Text Thread, enjoy our time-saving monthly partner resources, and listen to our members-only podcast feed! We're here to help!

"The last 3 years have been tough - PTSD symptoms tough. I am so thankful to have found you."

- Carolyn S.

Is Teach 4 the Heart +  Right for You?

Teach 4 the Heart +  is for you IF...
  • > You're a Christian educator in a public or private school
  • > You want to stay positive but struggle with all the challenges overwhelming you
  • > You're stressed out and worried about challenges you're facing, classroom management decisions you need to make, or the unknowns of the future
  • > You feel your well is dry and need to be renewed, uplifted, and inspired to teach in His strength
  • > You desire to limit your time spent on school tasks but feel powerless to change
Teach 4 the Heart + is NOT for you if...
  • x You're not a Christian (We would be thrilled to have you join us & this program just might change your life. But please realize that most of this program will only help you if you choose to become a Christian as a result)
  • x You enjoy sharing your misery with everyone around you
  • x You want to complain but don't want to make any changes
100% Money Back Guarantee
Money Back Guarantee

I don't want anyone to worry about investing in this program. If for any reason you're unhappy with the results you get from Teach 4 the Heart +, just let me know within 30 days and I'll issue you a full refund.

"I've learned to wholeheartedly trust in the Lord, and to understand that struggles in teaching can be overcome if we approach them with a God-filled heart instead of a self-serving heart."

- Lynn, kindergarten teacher


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What are the premium courses included with this membership?

When does the program start & end?

How long do I have access to the program?

How much time will this take?

Can I cancel at any time?

Why is this program only for Christian teachers?

Do you offer group discounts?

What if I can't afford this membership?

Other questions?

Start your journey to banish stress & teach with joy!
