Renew Your Joy Challenge [Day 1] - Teach 4 the Heart

Renew Your Joy, 
Refresh Your Perspective

A 3-Day Challenge for Christian Teachers

Day 1: Claim God's Promises

As teachers, we are so often overwhelmed, frustrated, and surrounded by negativity. But this isn't how God intended us to live. Discover the joy & peace He wants to give you as you learn to trust and rest in Him.

Day 2

If God wants to give us His joy, peace, and rest, why aren't we experiencing it? Discover the hidden reason why you're so stressed & frustrated - and the surprisingly simple cure. 

Day 3

Too many teachers make a critical mistake that makes lasting joy and peace so much more difficult to achieve. Join us tomorrow to discover how you can avoid this dangerous but common error.

Before you go:

Leave a comment introducing yourself & sharing why you want to renew your joy & refresh your perspective.

You can also share your thoughts in the Renew Your Joy Facebook group.
