Need a new diaper bag?
Use promo code T4THEART to grab it for just $19.95
Want the full story?
My husband and I started a business a couple years ago selling (believe it or not) diaper bags. They were selling amazing so we ordered a ton more - turns out, way too many more. Now we're ready to be done selling these bag but we still have way too many left over .
So....We're happy to give them away pretty much at cost. You can get it on Amazon & just use the code T4THEART.
But what I really need your help with is spreading the word.... (You'd be surprised how hard it is to get the word out, even about a crazy good deal like this.)
Will you help us out by telling your friends?
Need a new teacher bag?
We have this one too!
Use promo code T4THEART to grab it for just $19.95